Geneura General How VPS Hosting Works

How VPS Hosting Works

For you who manage a website or a site, it might be familiar with the name Free Virtual Private Server (VPS). If you haven’t understood it or haven’t even heard of this term, you are in the right article because this time, we will discuss VPS as one of the most widely used hosting services to date.

Before proceeding further in knowing VPS hosting, you must understand what is the meaning of VPS. VPS hosting is a safe and stable solution compared to other types of hosting because VPS does not use dedicated server space. Although other types are easier than you rent or buy all the server space, still the features and services provided by VPS will be more satisfying.

Usually, site owners rent VPS because the amount of traffic on a website is already high, even reaching the recommended usage limit on shared hosting or other types. However, you might not need resources from a dedicated server so VPS is considered a good choice because it can cover the needs, but not excessive.

As a server, a computer is a hosting place for storing databases and files needed by the website. If a visitor accesses your website, a request or request will be sent by the browser to the server, then the server sends the required files via the internet. The function of VPS is to provide a virtual server that mimics a physical server with several shared users.

This technology is similar to the process of creating partitions on a computer when you use more than one OS without rebooting. In addition, VPS has virtual properties because of the virtual layer above the operating system of the server which divides the server into partitions. Every user can install the OS and software.

By using VPS hosting, your website will become a safer platform because of guaranteed resources (CPU core, disk space, memory, etc.) that do not force us to share with other users. In addition, you also have the same root-level access, like when you rent a dedicated server even though the price is more affordable.

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