Visualize this: it is a late Friday night in vibrant Tampa; after having had a merry clinking of glass across the street at the pub, you get into your car to go home. Sauntering up to your car, little do you know your night of dancing may well shortly continue on to the sobering stage of a roadside field sobriety test. This is where Tampa Criminal DUI Lawyers come in, ready and able to turn what could be a potentially sticky situation into a far easier storyline.

Well, navigating the legal waters of DUI testing may prove to be as slippery as the plot twist in some crazy soap opera. Let’s face it: the field sobriety tests-one-leg stands, walk-and-turns-can be dicey at times for a totally sober person. Ever had to repeat the alphabet backwards under duress?
Neither have I, and I’m fairly certain it’s not just the wine making it difficult. Here, Tampa DUI attorneys come in handy, equipped with the right expertise to pick apart every detail of such tests, often poking holes in the process.
Listen to this story from the trenches: One drizzling evening, Jake, a resident of Tampa, was riding the yellow line on the street. Convinced that he was tiptoeing his way toward a DUI charge, the officer ran him through the walk-and-turn test on slick pavement, upon which he could hardly stand still, let alone manage a straight line. It was crystal clear to his attorney, however, that the slick conditions of the surface were not factored in. A minor detail, but significant enough to challenge the charges successfully. Not every officer is a Simon Cowell when it comes to tests like this-questions about consistency and precision. Human fallibility applies, and these tests become the goldmine of a mechanism for proficient attorneys. They go through training records, logs concerning calibration, even adherence to test procedures by the officer.