Geneura Health Pregnancy Yoga Movements for Baby to Quickly Enter the Pelvis

Pregnancy Yoga Movements for Baby to Quickly Enter the Pelvis

One way to maintain the health of the womb is to be active. That way, pregnant women match more youthful and fitter. Pregnancy yoga is recommended. What’s more, these seven yoga movements for pregnant women can be done at home! Curious how easy this training is? You can read about it in our official thread on the pelvic floor strong review.

Yoga is an activity of harmonizing the body and mind that focuses on strength and breathing. The goal is to improve mental and physical quality. Not only for mothers, but pregnant yoga also has benefits for the health of the fetus in the womb. In the first trimester, pregnancy is still too young and it is feared that it is not yet fully strong to do prenatal yoga movements. First is Easy Pose; Sit with your legs crossed and straighten your body. Make sure your back is not bent. Relax the back muscles. Do breathing exercises at the time you specify. This movement can be done anytime, even before going to bed. It is very appropriate to be supported by aromatherapy in the room where Mama does yoga.

Second, Child Pose; Fold your legs with your knees touching the mat, then bend your body forward like a prostration position. Extend your arms straight in front of your head. This movement has the benefit of opening the pelvic area and inner thighs, stretching the collarbone (groin/sacrum), and reducing tension, especially in the abdomen. When doing this position, you can also maximize it by asking someone else to gently massage the back and waist area.

Third, Wide-Angle Seated Forward Ben; Spread your legs as wide as you can, stretch them out and straighten them diagonally. Place support (usually a pillow) in front of your stomach. Bend into the support and stretch for at least 3-5 minutes. This movement also has the benefit of relieving hip pain and waist cramps along with the growing pregnancy, opening the pelvis and collarbone so that the normal delivery process can be smoother, and relieving pain in the inner thighs. This yoga position for pregnant women also helps increase oxygen intake for the fetus through the placenta.

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