Geneura Health These 3 Ways Can Help You Cure Gout At Home

These 3 Ways Can Help You Cure Gout At Home

The key to gout treatment at home is to change your lifestyle. Of course, you have to change it to a better and healthier direction. This lifestyle change is effective and effective enough to control the symptoms of gout.

Here are 3 ways you can do at home:

1. Monitor your body’s uric acid levels

The thing that you must have is a gout test kit. Currently, the uric acid check tool can be used by the patient himself. The shape is almost the same as blood sugar checking devices at home.

So, using these tools you can continue to monitor your uric acid levels. Normal uric acid levels are under 6 mg / dL for women and men under 7 mg / dL.

2. Exercise regularly

The easiest treatment for gout at home is to do regular exercise. Exercise regularly with moderate intensity for at least 30 minutes for 5 days a week.

Gout symptoms will be more manageable if you do sports. Exercise makes your joints well-trained, so they can prevent joint pain that often attacks people with gout.

3. Maintain body weight with the right diet

People who are obese have a higher risk of having high uric acid than people who have normal weight.

In order to maintain weight, choose a source of complex carbohydrates in your diet. Eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Avoid foods like sweet cakes, sweets, sugary drinks and products that contain high fructose sugar.

In addition, reduce saturated fat from red meat, fatty poultry, and dairy products that contain high fat. Choose your daily protein sourced from lean meat, fish, and poultry about 2-3 pieces per day. Other sources of protein that can be added to your diet are low-fat dairy products or yogurt.

In addition, know foods that should be avoided and restricted to prevent the urge of uric acid higher which is to avoid foods and drinks that are high in purines (uric acid), namely seafood, red meat, sweet foods (containing sugar), alcohol, and innards

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